Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 7: Donald Trump and a Chinese Folktale

Donald Trump and a Chinese Folktale:
Work hard, have fun, fulfill your calling.

Today ~ Day 7:

My angle:
Donald Trump quotes Napoleon:
“A leader has the right to be beaten, but never the right to be surprised.”

Trump also says,
“If you don’t have problems, you don’t have a business.”

The mystical angle:

The Magic Tapestry:

Suddenly, when the older sons began to argue over who would sell the tapestry, a great wind blew in the window from the west. And swish—away went the tapestry out the door! Everyone chased after it, but it was blown too high. And then it vanished into the eastern sky.

The poor mother fainted. Her youngest son carried her into the house and laid her on a little wooden bed. He gently revived his mother with warm ginger soup, while the older sons only wailed at the loss of their fortune.

“Go, find my tapestry!” the mother pleaded with her eldest son as she opened her eyes. “It means more to me than life itself.” Reluctantly, the eldest son set out for the east.

The Trump angle:

Donald Trump in The Art of the Deal:
"Protect the downside and the upside will take care of itself. I happen to be very conservative in business. I always go into the deal anticipating the worst. If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself."

Donald Trump in Trump 101: The Way to Success:
"Expect problems to arise and never be surprised by them. No matter how carefully you plan, how well you anticipate, or how hard you work, problems will occur. Events will take place and situations will arise that are simply beyond your control. And they happen suddenly, without warning. That’s reality; that’s how it works…
"Keep your mind in the game: eliminate all distractions and give your full attention to your work. Understand that problems will occur, and some will be beyond your control. Concentrate on those you can control, and find people who can resolve the others."

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